Bioleria® - Colloidal Silver 50 PPM - 99.99% Purity - 500ml
Where does colloidal water come from?
Bioleria® Colloidal Silver is produced by using high-purity medical-grade silver (Ag 99.99%) and pure Aqua bidest ultrapure water in an electrolysis process. After production, the silver concentration is 50 ppm and the product is free of any additives.
What does 50PPM mean?
PPM stands for "parts per million" and describes the concentration of a substance in a solution. In concrete terms, this means that there are a certain number of parts of the substance for every million parts of the solution. In our case, our colloidal water has a concentration of 50 ppm. This means that there are 50 parts of colloidal silver for every million parts of water.
Our concentration of 50 ppm is higher than many other manufacturers who often offer lower PPM levels. A higher concentration can allow for more effective results when applied and shows our commitment to providing you with a high quality product.
How should colloidal silver be stored?
Colloidal water should be stored in a cool, dark place to maintain its quality and effectiveness. It is important to protect it from direct sunlight and electromagnetic fields, as these can affect the stability of the colloidal particles. For this reason, our colloidal water is sold in a UV-protected brown glass bottle that prevents light from penetrating, thus ensuring the stability and shelf life of the product.
Wir weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, unser Kolloidales Silber ist kein Arzneimittel, die medizinische Wirksamkeit als Mittel zur Heilung, Linderung oder Verhütung von Krankheiten ist wissenschaftlich nicht belegt. Im Falle einer Erkrankung sollten Sie immer einen approbierten Arzt hinzuziehen.
Bioleria® Colloidal Silver 50PPM
- High purity and concentration: Our colloidal silver has a concentration of 50 ppm and consists of high-purity silver particles.
- No additives: It contains no additives, preservatives or stabilizers, just pure colloidal silver in water.
- UV-protected brown glass bottle: To protect the quality and stability, our product is delivered in a UV-protected brown glass bottle.
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